Website Privacy Policy


AFS IBEX Financial Services (AFS IBEX) has adopted the following policy regarding how the personal information we obtain is used and secured. The privacy policy applies to individuals and entities who are current and former clients of AFS IBEX. The primary reason we collect, use, and share personal information is to serve and provide information to our customers, to comply with federal and state law, and to secure and service your account(s). AFS IBEX does not sell or share personal information with third parties for marketing purposes.

Collection of Identifiers and Personal Information

AFS IBEX collects only relevant nonpublic personal information about you and your company, as allowed or required by law, to service, maintain, and to provide security to your account. This information may include:

  • Identifiers and personal information including names, postal addresses, physical addresses, email addresses, IP addresses, signatures, job titles, ages, personal property records, telephone numbers, fax numbers, tax ID numbers, Social Security numbers, bank account numbers, debit/credit card numbers, and other financial information.

  • Information including company financials, commercial property records, commercial credit reporting, and past business dealings with AFS IBEX or its affiliates including outstanding account balances and past payment history.

  • Electronic information including interactions and submissions through our website. 

Sharing of Personal Information

No personal information collected by AFS IBEX is sold to third parties. Sharing of information may occur based on a business need or as required or permitted by law with the entity types defined below.

  • Service Providers and Affiliates: Entities or persons providing support to operations including but not limited to information security, fraud, and privacy protections, payment processing, text, email, and postal mail communications, loan underwriting, account management and maintenance, website hosting, accounting, collections, and legal services.

  • Insurance Industry Entities: Insurance carriers, agents, brokers, general agents, and related companies who provide information or services relating to the insurance premiums financed with AFS IBEX.

  • Regulators, Law Enforcement, and Auditors:  Federal and state regulators including departments of insurance, federal and state law enforcement entities, third parties as required by subpoena, and external auditors performing due diligence on AFS IBEX operations. 

Protecting the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information

AFS IBEX protects personal information from unauthorized access through use of physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations.